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We want you to get the most from your stay at Jacobs Ridge. To us, that means you should never be thinking about anything else except the reason you are here. So we never want you worrying about your accommodation, your next meal, your drinks, your comfort, your transportation or simple everyday needs. At Jacobs Ridge, we cover it all. The most important thing is you have fun, connect with our animal family and take time out to just "be" whilst you are here. The animals get so much from you being with them, be that in silence, reading aloud, singing or playing an instrument (they all love music), so be a part of their happy, new lease of life.


Every day can be different but there are some jobs which are a daily routine including cleaning out paddocks and feeding and watering. We take our time over this, a more relaxed approach, often with music playing, which ensures the animals eat in a relaxed environment, vital to their digestion and health. It also helps you too. You get into the flow of spreading hay, filling water buckets or feeling the corn as it slips through your fingers. It is a brilliant way to connect with the animals, food is always a great way to get connected!

Remember to tell us in advance if you have any specialist skills that you may like to utilise during your stay so we can provide any necessary tools and equipment.



Working as a team brings people together. We have seen many friendships grow here over the years with people staying connected once they have returned home. It also opens the door to travel when you start to build friends in new countries. So whilst some jobs are satisfying to do alone, others are much more fun when completed as a team. Everyone supports one another. There is a real team spirit and everyone has a skill that will contribute in some way. Connecting with like-minded people is part of the attraction here. The ability to speak without filters and to discuss topics without judgement, all lead to building your personal confidence and self esteem. It really is a sanctuary for everyone. 



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